The two Johns (specifically a John Stevens and a Jon Peter Lewis) of AI Season IV had the opportunity to speak with me in what could be considered the greatest interview ever. While they did not win the coveted prize and went home with their proverbial tails between their boyish legs, these Johns did manage to get the girls hearts a puddlin’ and guys all around the US of A to roll their eyes in painful righteousness.
Crystal: So fellas, one at a time, which one of you wants to go out with me tonight? Shit, which one of you doesn’t?
Crystal: Ha. Ha. Just. Kidding. (clears throat, shuffles papers) What have you been up to since American Idol and your shameful loss?

Jon: Well. I really would not call it “shameful,” Crystal.
Crystal: You wouldn’t? I mean, it was pretty embarrassing, anyway. Dancing around like a deranged Bing Crosby to a re-tuned Elvis Presley song and then, you know, getting booted afterwards.
Jon: No. I still wouldn’t. I enjoyed myself. Anyway, over the holidays I recorded a song and made a video called “It’s Christmas!” and it climbed pretty high on the Canadian charts…
Crystal: A Christmas song? Canadian charts? That’s pretty lame isn’t it…wait…aren’t you Mormon?
Jon: Yeah? So?
Crystal: Do Mormons even believe in Christ? Could there seriously be more Mormons on this show? I mean, won’t you be excommunicated for your sins?
Jon: What?
Crystal: And now over to you John, what have you been up to?

John: Well, I graduated high school.
Crystal: hahahahahahahah
John: No, really, I graduated highschool…and I’ve been…
Crystal: …wait! No, sorry for interrupting John, but aren’t you about 62?
John: What?
Crystal: In my notes I figure you to be around 62 now. I mean, with those songs you like, you can’t be much younger than that, right?
John: Well, I would hate to contradict you, but, you are a little off. I am 18 now and I’ve released an album and working on my second.
Crystal: 18? My notes say nothing about that. So you’re only 18? (long uncomfortable pause) So there’s no chance we could go have a drink? You’ve kinda, you know, filled out a bit since the show…
John: No, sorry, unless you mean a Pepsi. (uncomfortable laughter)
Crystal: Well, I guess you could do that…okay.
John: Oh, no, I’m sorry, I was jok…
Crystal: Well that’s about it for this interview. Thank you both very much, it has been a pleasure for you, I’m sure. And readers, please visit both the Johns websites, they could use the hits:
Jon Peter Lewis:
John Stevens:
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